Days of the week in spanish

What are days of the week in Spanish language?

The days of the week in Spanish are as follows:

  1. Monday – lunes
  2. Tuesday – martes
  3. Wednesday – miércoles
  4. Thursday – jueves
  5. Friday – viernes
  6. Saturday – sábado
  7. Sunday – domingo

¿Cuáles son los días de la semana en español?

Los días de la semana en español son los siguientes:

  1. Monday – lunes
  2. Tuesday – martes
  3. Wednesday – miércoles
  4. Thursday – jueves
  5. Friday – viernes
  6. Saturday – sábado
  7. Sunday – domingo

What are days of the week in German language?

The days of the week in German are as follows:

  1. Monday – Montag
  2. Tuesday – Dienstag
  3. Wednesday – Mittwoch
  4. Thursday – Donnerstag
  5. Friday – Freitag
  6. Saturday – Samstag (or Sonnabend in some regions)
  7. Sunday – Sonntag

What are days of the week in Dutch language?

The days of the week in Dutch are as follows:

  1. Monday – maandag
  2. Tuesday – dinsdag
  3. Wednesday – woensdag
  4. Thursday – donderdag
  5. Friday – vrijdag
  6. Saturday – zaterdag
  7. Sunday – zondag

What are days of the week in Italian language?

The days of the week in Italian are as follows:

  1. Monday – lunedì
  2. Tuesday – martedì
  3. Wednesday – mercoledì
  4. Thursday – giovedì
  5. Friday – venerdì
  6. Saturday – sabato
  7. Sunday – domenica

What are days of the week in French language?

The days of the week in French are as follows:

  1. Monday – lundi
  2. Tuesday – mardi
  3. Wednesday – mercredi
  4. Thursday – jeudi
  5. Friday – vendredi
  6. Saturday – samedi
  7. Sunday – dimanche

What are days of the week in Romansh language?

In Romansh (spoken in some parts of eastern Switzerland):

  1. Monday – glindesdi
  2. Tuesday – mardi
  3. Wednesday – mesemna
  4. Thursday – gievgia
  5. Friday – venerdi
  6. Saturday – sonda
  7. Sunday – dumengia

What are days of the week in Polish language?

The days of the week in Polish are as follows:

  1. Monday – poniedziałek
  2. Tuesday – wtorek
  3. Wednesday – środa
  4. Thursday – czwartek
  5. Friday – piątek
  6. Saturday – sobota
  7. Sunday – niedziela

What are days of the week in Chinese language?

In Mandarin Chinese, the days of the week are typically expressed using numbers, along with the word “星期” (xīngqī), which means “week.” Here are the days of the week in Mandarin:

  1. Monday – 星期一 (xīngqī yī)
  2. Tuesday – 星期二 (xīngqī èr)
  3. Wednesday – 星期三 (xīngqī sān)
  4. Thursday – 星期四 (xīngqī sì)
  5. Friday – 星期五 (xīngqī wǔ)
  6. Saturday – 星期六 (xīngqī liù)
  7. Sunday – 星期天 or 星期日 (xīngqī tiān or xīngqī rì)

Note: While both 天 (tiān) and 日 (rì) mean “day,” they are interchangeable when referring to days of the week. The usage may vary in different regions or contexts.

What are days of the week in Japanese language?

In Japanese, the days of the week are typically represented using a combination of kanji characters and the word 曜日 (yōbi), which means “day of the week.” Here are the days of the week in Japanese:

  1. Monday – 月曜日 (Getsuyōbi)
  2. Tuesday – 火曜日 (Kayōbi)
  3. Wednesday – 水曜日 (Suiyōbi)
  4. Thursday – 木曜日 (Mokuyōbi)
  5. Friday – 金曜日 (Kinyōbi)
  6. Saturday – 土曜日 (Doyōbi)
  7. Sunday – 日曜日 (Nichiyōbi)

It’s important to note that the characters 曜日 (yōbi) are used after the specific kanji character for the day of the week.

What are days of the week in Korean language?

In Korean, the days of the week are typically expressed using a combination of native Korean words and the Chinese characters for numbers. Here are the days of the week in Korean:

  1. Monday – 월요일 (Wol-yo-il)
  2. Tuesday – 화요일 (Hwa-yo-il)
  3. Wednesday – 수요일 (Su-yo-il)
  4. Thursday – 목요일 (Mok-yo-il)
  5. Friday – 금요일 (Geum-yo-il)
  6. Saturday – 토요일 (To-yo-il)
  7. Sunday – 일요일 (Il-yo-il)

The word “요일” (yo-il) is used to denote “day of the week” and is appended to the Chinese character representing the day.

What are days of the week in Russian language?

In Russian, the days of the week are named after numbers. Here are the days of the week in Russian:

  1. Monday – Понедельник (Ponedel’nik)
  2. Tuesday – Вторник (Vtornik)
  3. Wednesday – Среда (Sreda)
  4. Thursday – Четверг (Chetverg)
  5. Friday – Пятница (Pyatnitsa)
  6. Saturday – Суббота (Subbota)
  7. Sunday – Воскресенье (Voskresen’ye)

These names are commonly used in Russia and other Russian-speaking regions. The words for the days of the week are derived from the Slavic and Christian traditions.

What are days of the week in Arabic language?

In Arabic, the days of the week are typically named after celestial bodies or related concepts. Here are the days of the week in Arabic:

  1. Monday – الاثنين (al-ithnayn)
  2. Tuesday – الثلاثاء (al-thulāthā’)
  3. Wednesday – الأربعاء (al-arbi’ā’)
  4. Thursday – الخميس (al-khamees)
  5. Friday – الجمعة (al-jum’ah)
  6. Saturday – السبت (as-sabt)
  7. Sunday – الأحد (al-ahad)

It’s worth noting that the first day of the week in the Arab world is often considered to be Saturday (السبت), as the Islamic calendar designates Friday as a special day for congregational prayers.

What are days of the week in Urdu language?

In Urdu, the days of the week are typically named after celestial bodies or related concepts. Here are the days of the week in Urdu:

  1. Monday – پیر (peer)
  2. Tuesday – منگل (mangal)
  3. Wednesday – بدھ (budh)
  4. Thursday – جمعرات (jumeraat)
  5. Friday – جمعہ (jumma)
  6. Saturday – ہفتہ (hafta)
  7. Sunday – اتوار (itwaar)

These names are commonly used in Pakistan and other Urdu-speaking regions, and they are similar to the Arabic names for the days of the week.

What are days of the week in Turkish language?

In Turkish, the days of the week are named after numbers, similar to many other languages. Here are the days of the week in Turkish:

  1. Monday – Pazartesi
  2. Tuesday – Salı
  3. Wednesday – Çarşamba
  4. Thursday – Perşembe
  5. Friday – Cuma
  6. Saturday – Cumartesi
  7. Sunday – Pazar

These names are commonly used in Turkey and other Turkish-speaking regions. The words are derived from Turkish and reflect the influence of the Islamic and Ottoman cultural heritage in the region.

What are days of the week in Persian language?

In Persian (Farsi), the days of the week are named after celestial bodies or related concepts. Here are the days of the week in Persian:

  1. Monday – دوشنبه (Doshanbeh)
  2. Tuesday – سه‌شنبه (Seshanbeh)
  3. Wednesday – چهارشنبه (Chaharshanbeh)
  4. Thursday – پنج‌شنبه (Panjshanbeh)
  5. Friday – جمعه (Jom’e)
  6. Saturday – شنبه (Shanbeh)
  7. Sunday – یک‌شنبه (Yekshanbeh)

These names are commonly used in Iran and other Persian-speaking regions. The names are derived from Persian language and culture, and they are associated with the corresponding days in the Iranian calendar.

What are days of the week in Hindi language?

In Hindi, the days of the week are named after celestial bodies or related concepts. Here are the days of the week in Hindi:

  1. Monday – सोमवार (Somvaar)
  2. Tuesday – मंगलवार (Mangalvaar)
  3. Wednesday – बुधवार (Budhvaar)
  4. Thursday – गुरुवार (Guruvaar)
  5. Friday – शुक्रवार (Shukravaar)
  6. Saturday – शनिवार (Shanivaar)
  7. Sunday – रविवार (Ravivaar)

What are days of the week in Thai language?

In Thai, the days of the week are named after planets, and they are derived from Sanskrit. Here are the days of the week in Thai:

  1. Monday – วันจันทร์ (Wan Chan)
  2. Tuesday – วันอังคาร (Wan Ang-khan)
  3. Wednesday – วันพุธ (Wan Phut)
  4. Thursday – วันพฤหัส (Wan Phreu-hat)
  5. Friday – วันศุกร์ (Wan Suk)
  6. Saturday – วันเสาร์ (Wan Sao)
  7. Sunday – วันอาทิตย์ (Wan Athit)

The names of the days are often used with the word “วัน” (Wan), which means “day.” The names are based on the traditional Hindu planetary system, and each day is associated with a different celestial body.

What are days of the week in Vietnamese language?

In Vietnamese, the days of the week are usually referred to using numbers combined with the word “thứ,” which means “day of the week.” Here are the days of the week in Vietnamese:

  1. Monday – Thứ Hai
  2. Tuesday – Thứ Ba
  3. Wednesday – Thứ Tư
  4. Thursday – Thứ Năm
  5. Friday – Thứ Sáu
  6. Saturday – Thứ Bảy
  7. Sunday – Chủ Nhật

The words “Thứ Hai,” “Thứ Ba,” etc., literally mean “Second Day,” “Third Day,” and so on. “Chủ Nhật” is used for Sunday and translates to “Master of the Sun,” indicating the first day of the week.